College Quicklinks
To learn about our Enrolment Process, please click here. If you have any further queries or would like to discuss your Enrolment Application, please contact our Head of Admissions, Kylie Clements on 9835 0200 or via email at
Open Mornings are a great way to learn what a žžTV education is all about and to see the College in action! Open Mornings include a presentation by student leaders and Principal, Elizabeth Hanney which is followed by student-led tours of the College. Members of the Leadership Team and our Head of Admissions will be available at the end of the tours to answer any final questions you may have. Please note that the presentation commences promptly at 9.30am (please allow adequate time for parking and check-in prior to this time).
TERM 1 | TERM 2 | TERM 3 | TERM 4 |
Monday, 10 February Thursday, 20 March | Friday, 2 May Monday, 2 June | Wednesday, 30 July Monday, 25 August | Wednesday, 15 October |
Please note that Open Morning bookings open approximately one month prior to the event.
If you can't make it to an Open Morning, please reach out to our Head of Admissions to arrange a College Tour. Alternatively, we invite you to explore our stunning campus with our narrated .
Can't make it to an Open Morning? Join our Principal, Elizabeth Hanney for a small group tour of the College. Please note that spaces in these tours are strictly limited and bookings via the form below are essential.
Upcoming Principal's 'Walk and Talk' Tours: